Can 8mm Film Be Transferred to DVD?
Can 8mm Film Be Transferred to DVD?
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Can 8mm Film Be Transferred to DVD?

By Dillon Wallace

8mm film & super 8 film was the standard way to record home movies in the 1960’s and 70’s. But as technology improved it was replaced by 8mm tapes. What are you supposed to do now with that box of stored 8mm film sitting in your attic filled with old family memories?

With the right equipment and software transferring 8mm film to DVD or digital video can be done. In this article, we explore the costs of digitizing your 8mm film, equipment and software you need to purchase and finally how to do it yourself. Get out that old collection of old 8mm films you want to transfer and get started today.

Cost to Transfer 8mm Film to DVD at Home

To transfer 8mm films to a DVD you will need the following supplies:

  • 8mm Reels to Digital MovieMaker Pro Film Digitizer ($399.99)
  • DVD Burning Software ($79.99)
  • SD Memory Card ($16.99)
  • Blank DVDs ($17.99)
  • Computer
  • Time

In total, it costs upwards of $500 for the equipment to digitize 8mm film yourself. This doesn’t include the amount of time you’re spending to do all of this work yourself. If that sounds good to you, we’re going to go into detail on how to complete the process yourself.

Best Methods to Transfer 8mm Film to DVD for High Quality Results

For the sake of high quality digitization we’re going to ignore the method of pointing your camcorder at the projector to get a second hand video of your 8mm film. The quality of this method is extremely poor and doesn’t preserve your cherished memories properly. 

Method #1: Use 8mm & Super 8 Reels to Digital MovieMaker Pro

The first step is to load your film onto the Wolverine 8mm & Super 8 Reels to Digital MovieMaker Pro. The device will automatically start to digitize your film reel and save it on your 32GB SD card as a high quality 1080P MP4 digital file.

Once your film is on the SD Memory Card you can load the MP4 file on your computer. Then you’ll need a video to DVD software like Wondershare UniConverter to take the digital file and transfer it onto a DVD. UniConverter is compatible with both Mac and Windows operating systems. And there you have it, your 8mm film transfer is complete. Understand there is no faster way to accomplish this, the length of your movie is how long it will take to complete the transfer. 

Method #2: Use a 8mm Film to DVD Transfer Service

If you have a large number of 8mm, 16mm, 35mm and Super 8mm films lying around with not enough time to use the previous method, consider contacting Legacybox and using our film transfer services. Send us all your vintage 8mm film – without paying for shipping – and have your memories preserved in a digital format.


Instead of tackling this yourself, let us take care of everything for you. Take advantage of our 50% discount offer today, and we'll help you preserve those memories before they fade away. You get a postage-paid-for box with a shipping label to package all your films and send back to us. We’ll send you your digital files on a USB thumb drive, link to your digital download via our cloud, or DVD as well as your original old films. Consider using Legacybox for an easier, more time-friendly way to preserve your favorite memories!

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