Family Fun: Making a Time Capsule
Family Fun: Making a Time Capsule
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Family Fun: Making a Time Capsule

By Olivia Harlow
Have you been searching frantically for a fun family activity to do together that won’t leave your house doused in paint stains, broken elbow macaroni, and three loads of laundry? Are you looking for a fun way to chronicle your family, but you really don’t want to drag everyone to Olan Mills for some glamour shots? We have the perfect solution: make a family time capsule! Time capsules are a great way to preserve your family’s history, have some family bonding time, and enjoy looking back on the good ole days when you decide to bring it out of hibernation. Thinking about what all to put in your own personal time capsule may seem difficult, so we’ve got 5 kickstarters to get your time capsule ready for pioneering into the future.


Some people say we’re living in the digital dark age, because technology is changing so quickly that we’re not going to be able to save most of the electronic data that currently exists. That’s why there’s no substitute for a good, old fashioned, printed picture. Having a physical picture that you can always look back on is the perfect starting place for your time capsule. If you don’t have the space for a photo, a USB drive with a library of photos would be a good substitution. Bonus points if dad grows a mustache between now and when you open it!


Handwritten letters tell more than just their words. The handwriting, paper, and ink all tell a story that’s lost with a printed sheet. If everyone in the family writes a letter, the time capsule will have invaluable personal tokens that will last for decades. If the worst happens, a handwritten letter is a wonderful memento of family members that may pass between the time you pack the capsule and open it.


Kids today have no idea what a Tamagachi is, but in the 90s, they were all the rage. That’s why including a fun piece of technology or a popular toy can give a glimpse of the life you currently live to your future self. Imagine if you would have included a cell phone from the 80s in a time capsule that you’re opening tomorrow. Comparing the two pieces of technology would be hilarious, educational, and inspirational.


If you’re catching on yet, a time capsule is all about context. Putting together a good time capsule means that you’re including things that give your future self fun insights into how life (and you) used to be. Recent sports teams’ winnings, political goings-on, and even pop culture will all look a little more interesting when reviewing them with future eyes.


A voice recording should work similarly to the letters that you write, but they’ll be an even more personal and sentimental thing to experience years later. Hearing the voices of the people you love as they were when they were younger will help preserve and rekindle some of the memories you have of the most cherished people in your life. **A special word of advice: make sure that you include a way to listen to those voice recordings! If not, you’ll be reaching out to Legacybox in 20 years to help uncode that CD or cassette tape! The last thing you’ll need to do is pack up your time capsule! Using a shoe box is a cheap and effective way to stash all of the trinkets you’ve decided to send on a time-travelling journey. Carefully pad the shoebox to ensure that any delicates don’t break if it needs to be transported. Make sure you seal it, so that you’re not tempted to meddle with it before the open date! The fun will be forgetting what’s in the time capsule, so that when you open it, you get to experience all of the fun things all over again. Once it’s packaged and ready to go, set a goal date for opening it, and let it hibernate! Just don’t forget to open it when the time comes!
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