Family memories should be cherished. From home movies to old photos and even film reels, many types of media bring your most beloved memories to life. Unfortunately, this media is vulnerable and can easily suffer the ravages of time.
The solution? Working with a trusted digitization company.
Many services promise to bring memories to the digital landscape without breaking the bank. Legacybox and iMemories are some of the most recognizable names. Both have a lot to offer, but they have different pricing structures and add-on offerings. Cost is also a key factor.
We'll break it all down below, explaining what Legacybox and iMemories have to offer and which services are preferable for various types of customers.
What Is iMemories?
iMemories is a digitization and conversion company, committed to making old photos and videos available in digital form. In addition to offering digitization services, iMemories acts as a storage and streaming provider for your digitized media. The company even has a dedicated mobile app to help customers view converted media.
Like many digitization services, iMemories handles a wide range of formats. Customers are certainly not limited to converting old VHS tapes and photos. Other formats are also available, such as Betamax and VHS-C.
A major part of the iMemories offer is the SafeShip kit, which uses shock-resistant foam and waterproof bags to keep analog items safe. FedEx shipping is also covered.
Focused on both digitization and ongoing media access, iMemories covers a lot of ground but is ultimately dedicated to providing “unique value at an affordable price.”
iMemories Pricing Structure
At first glance, iMemories seems to offer uniquely affordable digitization services. However, it depends on what customers actually need — and, in many cases, costs add up quickly. As such, it's important to understand the base costs for services and what is actually included. Be sure to examine add-on costs as well, especially if you're inclined to use iMemories because you like the idea of the mobile app.
Cost Breakdown
iMemories maintains a price-per-item or price-per-service approach, which can be appealing to customers who only want to digitize a few specific tapes or reels. Base costs to expect include:
- Videotapes: $29.99 per tape
- Movie films: $29.99 per 50 feet
- Photos: $0.99 per photo
There are additional one-time costs, including $39.99 for thumb drives or $19.99 for a DVD or Blu-Ray. There is no extra charge for enhancing photos or videos.
Subscription Options
Many customers are enthusiastic about iMemories' exclusive app. Known as iMemories Cloud, this costs $7.99 per month to maintain, although discounted annual access is available at $49 per year. Unfortunately, these costs can add up quickly. While this may initially seem like a unique and convenient offering, some customers eventually realize that they do not use this service often enough to make up for the added expense.
Legacybox: An Alternative to iMemories
There are perks to getting your old media preserved with iMemories: reasonable prices, app availability, and enhancement opportunities, to name a few. Unfortunately, there are also downsides — and, if you are worried about iMemories' negative feedback (such as alarming comments about quality), you'll want to take a look at the alternatives.
A similar service worth considering? Legacybox. Covering a wide range of analog media with diverse digitizing services, Legacybox brings an easy-to-understand approach to photo and video conversion. A kit-based approach means you can mix and match your analog media while taking advantage of cost-effective services. Formats supported by Legacybox include:
- Betamax
- MiniDV
- Hi8
- Super 8
- Audio cassettes
- Photo prints
- Negatives
Safety and security are top priorities because the last thing you want is to worry that your precious memories are at risk. All items are barcoded so you can feel extra confident as you send in your media. You'll also receive plenty of updates throughout the entire digitization process, further boosting your peace of mind.
Comparing iMemories and Legacybox
There are many noteworthy similarities between iMemories and Legacybox. Both companies are committed to preserving your most cherished memories. Both have a strong reputation and many loyal customers. These services even work with similar media and offer similar options like thumb drives and DVDs for viewing converted media.
Despite these commonalities, several major differences must be taken into account — especially as iMemories offers a few unique services that are not available through Legacybox. Ultimately, it's up to the customer to decide if these services are actually needed. Many customers may decide they are most interested in faithful, one-to-one conversions — which Legacybox's experts are thrilled to provide.
Pricing is often top of mind, but this can be one of the most complex concerns to compare. Legacybox offers enhanced versatility with a unique kit-based approach, in which various items (such as tapes, reels, or groups of photos) are bundled. Break this down, and the per-item cost actually looks quite similar: $59.99 for a starter box that includes two items (Legacybox) or a per-item price of $29.99 for tapes and reels (iMemories).

Pros and Cons of iMemories
There are many reasons to get photos or videos digitized with iMemories. This service has a solid reputation and plenty of positive customer reviews. It provides a range of digitization options, including some types of media that may seem obscure. iMemories even handles newer formats such as DVDs and miniDVDs. These may be worth digitizing if you're ready to bid farewell to disc drives.
From a pricing perspective, iMemories looks a lot like its competitors, as several trusted services currently charge around $30 per tape or reel. Per-photo pricing can also be appealing, especially for customers who only want to convert a few select images.
The most unique aspect of digitizing with iMemories? Viewing beloved photos and videos on the dedicated app. This captures the convenience of streaming while bringing prized memories to mobile devices.
The picture isn't quite so rosy for all customers, however. The app has garnered a lot of negative feedback, including criticism in reviews posted on the App Store and in Google Play. Other customers are quick to share their disappointment with Trustpilot and other review sites.
Upset customers have described the quality as "fuzzy," which is unacceptable no matter the price. Others are annoyed about the customer service, claiming that representatives are either rude or unresponsive.
Pros and Cons of Legacybox
Legacybox brings many qualities to the table: versatile conversion services, easy-to-follow instructions, and excellent customer service. Perhaps most important? Exceptional quality.
In positive reviews, many happy customers are pleased to report crisp and clear digital media that stays true to the look and feel of their analog originals. With such a strong reputation for quality, there's no need to worry about fading, discoloration, or blurry images.
This peace of mind goes beyond the images or videos themselves to include security for analog media. Legacybox's barcode system helps customers keep track of beloved photos, tapes, or reels. These barcodes also make it easier to send real-time updates.
Legacybox barcodes are simple to attach, with a helpful welcome booklet providing all the essential details. Many customers describe the Legacybox process as intuitive and are thankful to receive guidance every step of the way.
There are a few potential challenges when working with Legacybox, although these depend on your personal priorities. If cost is a deciding factor, you may notice that you need to pay more for a kit than for a single converted item with iMemories. However, if you break down the costs, you’ll see that this kit-based approach is actually a great deal.
Another caveat: Legacybox doesn't provide viewing or enhancement opportunities but Legacybox is upfront about this. Legacybox believes that cherished memories should be viewed just as they were originally captured, preserving their authentic quality and nostalgic value. What's more, while there's no dedicated app, Legacybox's cloud options are convenient. With so many complaints about the iMemories app, it's clear that other storage and viewing solutions can be just as valuable.
Which Service is Right for You?
Digitization options abound and there really is something for everyone in today's impressive market. This variety should be cherished; a few short decades ago, most customers were limited to whatever services were available at their local CVS or Walgreens.
Still, it can feel overwhelming to sort through so many pricing plans and cloud platforms, especially when you have high expectations: reasonable prices and pristine quality, to name a few.
If you are focused on getting your media converted and enjoying the best possible visuals when the job is done, your decision should be simple: stick with Legacybox. No, Legacybox does not offer a streaming-inspired app, and no, enhancements are not part of the process, but that should not stop you from getting your media digitized with this trusted provider.
Legacybox is ideal for customers with straightforward needs and a desire to stay true to the essence of their analog media through one-to-one conversions. If you feel that enhancements are needed — or if you want to view your digitized memory with a company-specific app, iMemories might be worth considering.
Get Started With Legacybox Today
If you are ready to score high-quality conversions from one of the most trusted names in digitization, you owe it to yourself to research your options. Many services promise to safeguard your memories, but Legacybox is best equipped to actually deliver on that promise. Take a closer look at our kits and how they're priced — and learn how our process works so you can convert your media with confidence.