Legacybox - Supported Formats
Legacybox - Supported Formats
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Legacybox - Supported Formats

By Dillon Wallace

Digitization isn’t only the best way to preserve your old analog memories. It’s really the only way.


You see, all your old pictures, videotapes, film reels and cassette tapes are fading right before your very nostalgic eyes. Even when stored in the most ideal environments, your analog media has a shelf life. And with the passing of every year, that expiration date gets closer and closer.

That’s why digitization is truly a memory saver.
It turns all those old analog memories into fresh digital copies, ensuring they’re preserved for future generations to come. If you’re nodding your head yes, then you know what needs to be done. But one question we seem to get a lot is “what all can you send in to have digitized?”


So, in the unfortunate case of you sending us something that we can’t digitize, here’s an entire rundown of all the old media we can make feel like new again.




Back in the 80s and 90s – even the late 70s and early 2000s – videotapes were how we predominantly watched and recorded movies and more. From bulky early camcorders to the latter, sleeker video cameras, videotapes came in an assortment of sizes and specs. And if you’ve got any old tapes from the list below, we can help you digitize those home video memories.


  1. VHS
  2. VHS-C
  3. S-VHS
  4. Betamax – not to be confused with BETACAM, which we cannot convert.
  5. Hi8
  6. Digital8
  7. Video8
  8. MiniDV
  9. MicroMV



Long before videotapes were king, film was how we saw pictures move on screen. And while we can digitize various formats of 16mm and 8mm film, we unfortunately can’t digitize any 35mm reels. But there are how-to blogs and videos out there for digitizing your old film, just make sure you follow our step-by-step cleaning guide before you dig in and DIY.


  1. Regular 8mm
  2. Super8
  3. Regular 16mm
  4. Super16 



Unless you were born in the era of smartphones, then you (or more likely your parents and grandparents) have a bundle of childhood pictures stashed away in old photo albums. And while these albums are great for storing monumental events throughout your upbringing, they’re only prolonging the inevitable of needing to digitize your photos. Luckily, we offer a variety of photo conversion options. Just make sure that when you send us your photos, you follow our packing list for photo digitization guidelines. 


  1. Standard 35mm Slides
  2. Standard 126 Slides
  3. Photo Prints (up to 8.5 x 11, loose or stacked - no sleeve, frame, carousel, box or album) 
  4. 35mm Negatives



In the age where Spotify, Pandora and YouTube offer us the ability to find almost any piece of music ever recorded, it’s still only “almost.” You know those bootlegged cassettes of Tom Petty and Queen you had in the 70s and 80s … or those mixtapes your high school crush made you back in the day? Well, those are special tapes that can’t simply be typed into a search bar. So, if you’ve got a collection of memorable tapes you want preserved, digitizing them is your best bet.


  1. Standard Audio Cassette Tapes
  2. Mini Cassettes
  3. Micro Cassettes
  4. 1/4" Reel-to-Reel Audio


There you have it – everything we can digitize. But if you have any additional questions about formats on this list, don’t hesitate to reach out to us or check out what we digitize.

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